Meet the Animal Park's New Guinea Singing Dogs

Canis hallstromi



About New Guinea Singing Dogs

Note: The New Guinea singing dog (NGSD) is a controversial animal, with some researchers suggesting it is a variant of the Australian dingo and others considering the species rewilded domestic dogs. Still others hold a distinction between the NGSD in captivity and the New Guinea Highland Wild Dog (NGHWD) in the wild. Based on the Animal Park’s experience with New Guinea Singing Dogs, we believe the NGSD and NGHWD are a single, discrete species separate from the dingo and thus choose to use the scientific name Canis hallstromi.


Only a few remain in the wild on the island of New Guinea.


They prey on small mammals and birds.


Singing dogs have very elastic joints and spine, and are very flexible—they are adapted to being climbers (they can climb trees!) and jumpers, not long-distance runners. Both parents participate in raising puppies.

  • Singing dogs split genetically from dingoes (their only close canine cousin) around 3,450 years ago.
  • There are only several hundred documented singing dogs in existence, with the majority living in managed-care facilities. The entire NGSD population in human care, estimated in 2016 to be around 300 animals, has descended from only eight wild founders.
  • Some of the singing dog’s vocalizations are similar to those of the wolf, dingo, or dog, but its howl is unique, with a sound that’s often compared to whale song. Unlike almost any other animal besides humans, singing dogs have a structure at the back of their mouth similar to a uvula, which may help them make some of their unusual sounds.

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