Donate to the Animal Park

The Animal Park at the Conservators Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. All donations to the Animal Park are tax deductible as allowed by law. Our programs and services are funded primarily by tour revenue, memberships, grants, donations, and partnerships. 
Your contributions help us provide the best possible care for the extraordinary animals who have found a forever home at the Animal Park!

Your planned contributions help us ensure long-term
stability and growth.

Support the Park by sending us something from our Wish List
or purchasing from our Shopping List.

Family Adventures

Have you ever looked a lion, tiger, leopard, or wolf in the eye? Had a “conversation” with a jungle cat? Witnessed the flickering tufts of a caracal’s ear? What on earth is a binturong—and why is it so important to its natural ecosystem?

Discover all this and much more when you join us for an Adventure tour at the Animal Park!