Visit More Than 20 Species of Animals


On a tour of our zoo you’ll walk the three-quarter-mile path with an experienced guide and learn about each of our animals—and each species’ ecological importance. It’s a fun, family-friendly day trip near Burlington, Greensboro, Raleigh/Durham, NC, or Danville, VA.

Every visit is a conversation!

Visit Nearly 20 Species of Animals


On a tour of our park, you’ll walk the three-quarter-mile path with an experienced tour guide and learn about each of our animals—and each species’ ecological importance.

Every visit is a conversation!

Visit More Than 20 Species of Animals


On a tour of our Park, you’ll walk the three-quarter-mile path with an experienced guide and learn about each of our animals—and each species’ ecological importance. It’s a fun, family-friendly day trip near Burlington, Greensboro, or Raleigh/Durham, NC.

Every visit is a conversation!

Zoo tour guests looking at animals


Adventure, Adult, Twilight, Photo, Private

Volunteers at an off-site event


Donate, Wish List, Adopt, Memberships

Group of volunteers sitting under picnic shelter


Events, Visitor Services, Maintenance

Our Mission

Educating people. Caring for animals. Advocating for species.

Meet More Than 60 Animals

Our Residents

Click each image to learn more.

Animal Park at the Conservators Center "coin" logo in two shades of green
Trekkie Gray Wolf howling
Visitors at the Animal Park viewing a Gray Wolf
Reconnect with Wildlife

Animal Park at the Conservators Center

The Animal Park at the Conservators Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to educating people, caring for animals, and advocating for species. We are focused on wildlife education throughout the Triangle and Triad areas of North Carolina, and we partner with other organizations around the state and across the country to create opportunities for members of the public to learn more about the animals we share our planet with.

Orange icon with planet image

See What Our Visitors Are Saying

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What's New

A white tiger peeks around a toy.

What Is Enrichment?

Bianca Tiger playing hide-and-seek with a favorite toy. Trekkie Gray Wolf enthusiastically rolling and wriggling all over a piece of salmon. Kira Lion proudly dragging

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Family Adventures

Have you ever looked a lion, tiger, leopard, or wolf in the eye? Had a “conversation” with a jungle cat? Witnessed the flickering tufts of a caracal’s ear? What on earth is a binturong—and why is it so important to its natural ecosystem?

Discover all this and much more when you join us for an Adventure tour at the Animal Park!