I am extremely excited to participate in the upcoming Lions, Tigers & Beer fundraiser for the Animal Park. I’ve spent an enormous amount of time in Africa teaching school, and there, as well as on a visit to India, I saw many of these species first-hand in their natural habitats.
What the Animal Park does by providing these beautiful creatures a home with loving care for the rest of their lives is one of the most wonderful secrets in North Carolina. It takes an unbelievable amount of money to provide the habitats and to feed and care for these animals.
Along with the Park staff and the team of volunteers who give so much of their time for this challenging work, I strongly urge anyone who cares about protecting wildlife to become involved with the Animal Park’s fundraising efforts. No matter how small your donation, every bit helps.
I and the Angus Barn will be present at Lions, Tigers & Beer 2024, serving some of our specialties. Please join me.